Bedroom Humidity

Bedroom Humidity

How to spot and remedy high humidity in your home


What's the ideal level of humidity for a home?

The ideal level of humidity for a home in the UK is between 40% and 60%.

The Signs of High Humidity

Once you are clued up on the basics, the nasty and unpleasant effects that go hand-in-hand with high humidity aren't so difficult to spot. Condensation on your windows and patio doors is one of the most popular indications that you have a humidity problem within your home. Look out for water beading or vapour on the glass of your windows and doors, as well as on metal surfaces. Condensation can cause difficulties with wooden casings, which may become rotten due to excess moisture, whilst uPVC windows can fast become mouldy if excess moisture isn't resolved.

Look out for mould spots elsewhere within your home too, especially on the walls and ceilings of moisture-prone bathrooms and kitchens. Water stain marks are also a sign of excessive moisture so keep your eyes peeled to spot this common, recurring issue.

Sniff out Problems with Mould and Mildew

The most common sign of high humidity is mould growth and mildew and whilst some will rely on their sight to spot this problem, you must also use your sense of smell to detect damp, mould and mildew in places that are concealed from view in dark basements or crawl spaces. Once smelt the musty odour associated with mould growth is difficult to forget!

Controlling Indoor Humidity

Living in a home that is vulnerable to high humidity levels can have a number of health effects as well as making your property an unpleasant place to live. That's why when you spot the signs of high humidity it is important to find a solution that will keep your humidity at the recommended levels. To confirm humidity levels before you take the appropriate plan of action you can consult a humidification specialist or invest in an indoor humidity meter, a handy device designed to monitor the presence of water vapour within the home.

Sash windows

High Humidity Solutions

Ventilation is the key to remedying high humidity levels within your home, focus on the rooms where moisture is at its peak like the bathroom or kitchen and improve your ventilation systems from here. Vent fan installation provides an instantaneous, long term cure for excessive moisture and can be used when cooking or taking a bath or shower.

Dehumidifiers are also the perfect investment for home owners looking for a quick fix, without the costly installation of ventilation equipment. As well as trapping and essentially wringing out any moisture in the air, dehumidifiers also improve indoor air quality for a happier, healthy and low humidity home.

Humidifier (enersauce via Flickr)

Image sourced Humidifier from enersauce via Flickr

This post was written by Martin Davies, he works for the Air and Water Centre, the UK's leading humidification specialists. For further advice on resolving moisture problems within your home, please visit

Bedroom Humidity


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